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Podcast: Sew What? Episode 19
I was thrilled to be on Isabella Rosner’s podcast Sew What? this week, talking about everything from femininity, identity and needlework,...

NDENCA Season 2 launch
We’re thrilled to share the programme for the second season of NDENCA, launching 14 October 2020. You can find the details here. We have...

NDENCA YouTube channel & blog
Dr Madeleine Pelling and I are delighted to share the YouTube channel from the New Directions in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Art...

Talk – The Intermedial Eighteenth-Century: Textual and Visual Arts, 1660-1832 Conference
I’m already looking forward to being part of The Intermedial Eighteenth-Century: Textual and Visual Arts, 1660-1832 Conference, which...

Talk: ODSECS Seminar – 15th July: Anna Seward and the Poetics of Exchange: Portraiture, Poetry
I’m thrilled to be participating in the newly-established ODSECS (Open Digital Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies) programme this...

Seminar Series: New Directions in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Art (NDENCA)
Dr. Maddy Pelling and I are delighted to launch New Directions in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Art (NDENCA), a digital seminar...

Article – ‘The Sister Arts: Textile Crafts between Paint, Print and Practice’, Jou
I couldn’t be more pleased that my article, ‘The Sister Arts: Textile Crafts between Paint, Print and Practice’ is now online in early...

January in Review
Month-in-review post!? Well, given that it’s been hard to maintain the schedule of doing a weekly week-in-review post, I thought I’d...

Interpretation Text – Sarah Eyre, Copy / Cut / Paste (2019)
You can now read my interpretation text for the collage artist Sarah Eyre’s 2019 exhibition Copy / Cut / Paste (2019) online! The piece...

Interpretation Text – Sarah Eyre, Copy / Cut / Paste (2019)
You can now read my interpretation text for the collage artist Sarah Eyre’s 2019 exhibition Copy / Cut / Paste (2019) online! The piece...

Talk – ‘Classical Specimens & Fragmentary Histories: The Specimen Table as Part &
I’m over the moon to be heading to my very first ASECS next year to speak on the topic of ‘Classical Specimens & Fragmentary Histories:...

Talk – ‘Classical Specimens & Fragmentary Histories: The Specimen Table as Part &
I’m over the moon to be heading to my very first ASECS next year to speak on the topic of ‘Classical Specimens & Fragmentary Histories:...

Publication – ‘Representing Camp: Constructing Macaroni Masculinity in Eighteenth-Centur
I’m super excited that my article, ‘Representing Camp: Constructing Macaroni Masculinity in Eighteenth-Century Visual Satire’, has been...

Publication – ‘Representing Camp: Constructing Macaroni Masculinity in Eighteenth-Centur
I’m super excited that my article, ‘Representing Camp: Constructing Macaroni Masculinity in Eighteenth-Century Visual Satire’, has been...

Week in Review – 5 May
Here’s my weekly round-up of what caught my attention last week (so. many. conferences…) Firstly, the rediscovery of this ‘lost’...

Week in Review – 5 May
Here’s my weekly round-up of what caught my attention last week (so. many. conferences…) Firstly, the rediscovery of this ‘lost’...

ECR/PGR Bursaries for Disrupting Narratives: New Perspectives on Collage
I’m thrilled to announce that we’re offering bursaries of £350 for ecr/postgraduate speakers at the forthcoming Collage Research Network...

ECR/PGR Bursaries for Disrupting Narratives: New Perspectives on Collage
I’m thrilled to announce that we’re offering bursaries of £350 for ecr/postgraduate speakers at the forthcoming Collage Research Network...

Women and the Arts in the Long Eighteenth Century Conference Report
Last week I was lucky enough to attend and participate in the excellent Women and the Arts in the Long Eighteenth Century conference,...

Women and the Arts in the Long Eighteenth Century Conference Report
Last week I was lucky enough to attend and participate in the excellent Women and the Arts in the Long Eighteenth Century conference,...
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