
Upcoming Events
‘Collecting the World at A la Ronde: Translating Continental Europe into the Eighteenth-Century British Home’, Gender, Modernities and the Global Enlightenment, University of Valencia (23-25 February 2022).
‘Representational revolutions: Trompe l’oeil still life paintings, medley prints, and collage in the long seventeenth century’, in ‘Changing Approaches to Histories of British Art, 1660-1735’, Association for Art History Annual Conference (14-17 April 2021).
‘Classical Specimens & Fragmentary Histories: The Specimen Table as Part & Whole’, in ‘Collecting, Antiquities, and Eighteenth-Century Art’, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference (7-11 April 2021).
‘Collage before Modernism? Eighteenth-Century Collage, Periodization, and Queering Art History’ Colombia University Faculty Seminar in Eighteenth-Century European Culture (4 March 2021).
'A ‘commitment to overcloseness’: Close Reading, Queerness & Loss in the Eighteenth-Century Home', Interventions Seminar Series (23 February 2021).
‘Fragmented Histories, Imperial Objects: The Specimen Table Across Time and Space’, in ‘Eco Deco: Art and Environment in the Long Eighteenth Century’, CAA Annual Conference (10-13 February 2021).
'Queering the Eighteenth-Century Home’, Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain Seminars (10 February 2021).
‘Roundtable on Victorian Material Culture’, Crafting Communities, University of Victoria, University of Manitoba, & University of Alberta (9 February 2021).
‘Fatness and Its Images’, Reframing Fashion Studies/Working Group in Literary and Visual Culture, Stanford University Humanities Center (29 January 2021).
'A ‘commitment to overcloseness’: Microhistories, Queerness & Loss in the Eighteenth-Century Home', in 'Commemorating Queer Identity in the Eighteenth-Century Home', BSECS Annual Conference (6-8 January, 2021).