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Event – BSECS 2021
I’m thrilled to be sharing some material from my upcoming monograph at the BSECS 2021 Annual Conference on a panel on ‘Commemorating...

AcWriMo 2020
It’s November, so it’s AcWriMo (Academic Writing Month, based on NaNoWriMo) again. November always seems to need a bit of a push...

Queering Collage Programme now online!
Cole and I are delighted to share the details for the latest @Collage_Res_Net event on Queering Collage, which has an excellent lineup,...

Event – Gothic Architecture and Sexuality, with Matthew Reeve – 29 October
I’m thrilled to be acting as a respondent to Matthew Reeve’s brilliant book Gothic Architecture and Sexuality in the Circle of Horace...

Podcast: Sew What? Episode 19
I was thrilled to be on Isabella Rosner’s podcast Sew What? this week, talking about everything from femininity, identity and needlework,...

Queering Collage (Collage Research Network 2021 Event)
I’m delighted to share the CFP for this year’s Collage Research Network event, Queering Collage which will be hosted online some time in...

August in Review
It’s been ages since I’ve done one of these posts, but I’m hoping to start the new academic year as I mean to continue, so here’s my...

NDENCA Season 2 launch
We’re thrilled to share the programme for the second season of NDENCA, launching 14 October 2020. You can find the details here. We have...

NDENCA YouTube channel & blog
Dr Madeleine Pelling and I are delighted to share the YouTube channel from the New Directions in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Art...

Talk – The Intermedial Eighteenth-Century: Textual and Visual Arts, 1660-1832 Conference
I’m already looking forward to being part of The Intermedial Eighteenth-Century: Textual and Visual Arts, 1660-1832 Conference, which...

Gift Culture at Plas Newydd
The historiography of the so-called ‘Ladies of Llangollen’, Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby, has long been preoccupied with determining...

Working from Home pt. 2 – Putting the ‘Home’ in ‘Working from Home’
Over the past few months my conception of home has altered radically. Instead of my usual too-ing and fro-ing between Edinburgh and Derby...

Review: Georgian Gothic: Medievalist Architecture, Furniture and Interiors, 1730–1840
Happy to share my review of Peter N. Lindfield’s book Georgian Gothic: Medievalist Architecture, Furniture and Interiors, 1730–1840, just...

Talk: ODSECS Seminar – 15th July: Anna Seward and the Poetics of Exchange: Portraiture, Poetry
I’m thrilled to be participating in the newly-established ODSECS (Open Digital Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies) programme this...

Seminar Series: New Directions in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Art (NDENCA)
Dr. Maddy Pelling and I are delighted to launch New Directions in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Art (NDENCA), a digital seminar...

Working from Home, pt. 1 – On Research without Resources
In this post (/series?) I want to offer some reflections on the idea of ‘working from home’ during the COVID-19 crisis, and what that...

February in Review (including a roundup of online teaching materials)
I’m a little late with this month-in-review post, which, given the current global health crisis, I am not really surprised about. Some...

Article – ‘The Sister Arts: Textile Crafts between Paint, Print and Practice’, Jou
I couldn’t be more pleased that my article, ‘The Sister Arts: Textile Crafts between Paint, Print and Practice’ is now online in early...

January in Review
Month-in-review post!? Well, given that it’s been hard to maintain the schedule of doing a weekly week-in-review post, I thought I’d...

Talk – How to be a man: being male in the age of toxic masculinity, Think Human Festival, Oxfo
I’m super excited to be speaking about ideas of masculinity through the ages as part of Oxford Brookes University’s Think Human Festival....
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