It’s November, so it’s AcWriMo (Academic Writing Month, based on NaNoWriMo) again. November always seems to need a bit of a push work-wise, and this year is no different, not least as England goes into a second lockdown and the grinding tedium continues to wear. It goes without saying that in a plague year, doing the bare minimum is good enough. Frankly just getting up is good enough. But I also value structure and goals (and deadlines!) and so it seems like my old November rituals might be useful. If you’re interested in my previous AcWriMo posts, you can read them here, here, here, here, and here.
In line with the main guidelines of AcWriMo, I’m declaring my goals below:
General GOAL – Get back into a habit of writing everyday!!
GOAL 1: Finish book introduction revisions.
GOAL 2: Revise Wilkes chapter.
GOAL 3: Visualizing the Body Review.
GOAL 4: Fat: A Cultural History Review.
GOAL 5: Coral Empire Review.
GOAL 6: Love/Line piece.
Hopefully I’ll pop in here with some reflective posts to update you on how it’s going (so far, so good – I’ve already finished one of my goals!)