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January in Review


Month-in-review post!? Well, given that it’s been hard to maintain the schedule of doing a weekly week-in-review post, I thought I’d amalgamate them into a monthly format. But instead of solely being a links roundup, I’ve been thinking I might add in a bit about the month I’ve had in there as well. So here’s the first in a new blog series for 2020!

January 2020 

January felt long, as they always do. I had a lovely first week of the month working from home/on annual leave, but then very soon after that I was in Oxford for BSECS (my very first!), which was great. I spoke on a panel on matriarchal inheritance & genealogies, and otherwise enjoyed panels on queerness and schooling, eighteenth-century art, and indigeneity, all of which were fab. The following week I was in Coventry for various things, and the week after that I spent a few days in Derby, where we had our revalidation panel for our newly developed history degree curriculum, which was a fascinating experience. I was also asked to be a Visiting Fellow at the ARC Centre for the History of the Emotions at the University of Adelaide in December; sat on the ASECS Émilie Du Châtelet Award judging panel; submitted two book reviews; and did my proofs for my first Journal of Eighteenth-Century Studies piece (coming on the website in a few weeks!). I’ve also been beavering away at a chapter on the fragment as a multimodal form in eighteenth-century culture, for an edited volume on Small Things in the Eighteenth-Century – more on that soon hopefully! It was #cookjan so I did a lot of digging into my cookbook collection too. February looks typically jam-packed too, so see you in a month for the next update!

Links roundup: 

Here’s what caught my eye in conferences, books, events, and everything else in January –

this article in P&P on ‘Inns and Elite Mobility in Late Georgian Britain

this piece in the Arts Newspaper on ‘how the arts should mark Brexit day

and relatedly, the Europeana collections from the Edgworth project page

this joyous piece on early drag queens and poc 

Alice Procter’s book, The Whole Picture, on how to deal with the colonial history of art in museums and monuments in the public realm

this CFP for a conf on New Thinking about Medieval Furniture (London, 23 May 20)

this postdoc on ‘Fabulous Femininities: Extravagant Costume and Transformative Thresholds’ (ys pls)

this interdisciplinary palgrave series, ‘Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and Cultures of Print

Gena Zuroski’s pieceWhere Do You Know From?’: An Exercise in Placing Ourselves Together in the Classroom’ from (for MAI’s special issue on feminist pedagogy)

this exciting CFP on Pre-Raphaelite futures at BAVS 2020

this workshop in Helsinki on Other Things: Materiality and the Empire, 1600–1850

this special piece from Art History on ‘Decolonizing Art History

this article from the Guardian on Derek Jarman’s house and preserving queer history

Karen Harvey’s new book The Imposteress Rabbit Breeder: Mary Toft and the Eighteenth Century– firmly on my desk & my to be read list

And just for fun, here’s what I watched & listened to: The Witcher, Solo, Watchmen, Rick & Morty (s4), Yuri!!! on Ice, Succession (S1&2, we devoured both incredibly quickly!), Schitt’s Creek (finally!), Slow Burn Podcast (also finally!). Oh and Stargate (lol), and I am finishing up Voyager (also lol). I didn’t read anything for fun, so here’s hoping I change that in Feb!


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