L0058782 Velvet ribbon votive offering, Isle of Man, 1880-1916 Credit: Science Museum, London. Wellcome Images This blue velvet ribbon was found tied to rushes growing around St Maugholds Holy Well on the Isle of Man. Named after St Maughold (d. 498 CE), the well is said to have healing properties.
This wonderful post on the history of votives by Jessica Hughes (including the above velvet ribbon votive offering).
The CFP for Edinburgh University’s Nineteenth-Century Research Seminars 2016.
This series of podcasts on The History of Glasgow.
Joanne Begiato’s post on ‘Doll’s houses as emotional artefacts‘.
This episode of In Our Time, examining Jane Austen’s Emma.
Notches Blog’s series on the role of sex and sexuality within Asia and among the Asian diaspora, particularly this post by Aiko Takeuchi-Demirci on ‘Rape and the Sexual Politics of Homosociality: The U.S. Military Occupation of Okinawa, 1955-56‘.
The Soane Museum’s exhibition Death and Memory: Soane and the Architecture of Legacy.
CFP: ‘To show a foreigner England’: Englishness and the Edwardian Landscape.
CFP: Resistance and Empire: New Approaches and Comparisons (Lisbon, 26-29 June 2016)
CONF: (Re)Politicizing discourses on photography (Paris, 7 Dec 15)
Finally, I want to draw your attention to the petition to Save Ashgate Publishing. Whilst a potentially a fruitless endeavour, I feel strongly that is important to record and express our displeasure at what constitutes a major loss for many disciplines, and to academic publishing in general, in the closing of an important source of diverse and exemplary scholarship. Sign the petition here.