The Week in Review is back! It is, I promise. In fact, one of my New Year’s Resolutions is to keep it going. So here’s my picks from the first week of 2019!

With Marie Kondo back in the news (let’s not get into a heated debate about what to do with your books though), I thought I’d share this great piece on her methods from 2016. Kondo is fascinating for me as a scholar of the relationship between emotions and objects, and this is a compelling examination of the phenomenon associated with her.
This nice little piece from the Guardian on the first exhibition detailing some LGBTQ+ histories of video games at Berlin’s Schwules Museum.
This great post, on ‘“so a word to the wise’: reassessing the role of the upper-class Irish father in nineteenth-century childrearing’, on the Perceptions of Pregnancy blog.
As ever, there’s lots of great things coming up. Here’s a few faves:
Embroidered with Dust and Mortar: Women and Architecture, 1660–1830 2019 Georgian Group Symposium [I particularly love the title of this one]
This great new blog on Early Modern female book ownership.
The Janet Arnold Awards for scholars working on the history of dress. £350 to £5,000, deadline 15 Jan.
So just a short one this week, but expect some longer posts once the year properly gets going…