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Week in Review – 24 June


It’s been a busy & flu-ey week for me, but here’s what caught my eye in terms of CFPs, publications, articles, and other news…

Early copies of the Cut & Paste: 400 Years of Collage catalogue were sent out this week (pictured above, via twitter)! I still don’t have my own copy, but I’m hoping I have one waiting for me once I get back home after this week’s commute.

This week saw the launch of the Material and Visual Cultures Research Seminar Series at the University of Edinburgh! I am super excited to submit something and attend as many sessions as possible. I’m also thinking of maybe establishing something similar at Derby if I can get some funding so watch this space! The CFP for the series is available here.

Amelia Dale’s book The Printed Reader: Gender, Quixotism, and Textual Bodies in Eighteenth-Century Britain, and Sarah Grant’s bookFemale Portraiture and Patronage in Marie Antoinette’s Court: The Princesse de Lamballe both look fab.

I also enjoyed these blogposts, firstly, on The Materiality of Abuse from Unmaking Things, and secondly this on the radical feminist Flora Tristan.

Finally, there were so many really interesting conferences and CFPs shared this week! Here are a few:

CONF: Prosthesis in Early Modern Art and Science (Munich, 21 Jun 19)

CFP: Lines on a Map: Crafting and Contesting Borders in the Early Modern Atlantic and Beyond

CFP: The role of the magazine in shaping feminism

CFP: Special issue of the Journal of Festive Studies on “The Materiality of Festivity

CFP: Romantic Studies Association 2019 Biennial Conference – Embodying Romanticism

CFP: Theorizing Transmediality in its Transnational Contexts (NeMLA)

CFP: “Fat Activism” — A Special issue of Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight & Society


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