My object of the week is this c.1760 Worcester dish, which features the company’s Valentine pattern (Brian Haughton Gallery). Featuring symbols of love, the emotional qualities of the object resonate with the work I’m currently doing on my monograph project, which examines the social and emotional functions of domestic space and its associated material culture.
This week, I was also intrigued to read the article ‘Renowned Feminist Art Historian Amelia Jones Believes that the Discipline of Art History Should be Restructured to Embrace New Narratives and Diverse Voices‘. Whilst it’s true that Jones’s argument is nothing new (indeed, it has been advocated by Pollock, Parker, and Krauss among others), I find it heartening to see these views discussed on the public platform of the Huffington Post.
I’m also currently obsessed with the New York Public Library’s Emoji Bot – tweet an emoji to the bot, and it will reply with an object/image from the Library’s collections.
@Freya_Gowrley 🐚 https://t.co/JLt2NLIymk — NYPL Emoji Bot (@NYPLEmoji) August 19, 2016
Other things that caught my eye this week included:
The programme for the Women’s History Scotland Annual Conference (coming up this Friday).
This Atlas Obscura article How Flower-Obsessed Victorians Encoded Messages in Bouquets.
This interview with the curator of the The Henry Moore Institute’s latest exhibition, William Hamo Thornycroft: ‘Charity And Justice’.
Thomas Dixon’s blog post What is anger? 1. Martha Nussbaum, discusses the definition of anger provided by Nussbaum’s latest book Anger and Forgiveness.
The Things That Make Us podcast, a podcast about people and the objects that have shaped them.
The programme for the Critical Love Studies Research Workshop at the University of Hull’s Love Research Network.
Linda Walsh’s new book, A Guide to Eighteenth-Century Art. I’m interested to see how (and if) Walsh integrates the concerns advocated by Jones (above) in her account of eighteenth-century art.