Image via Winterthur Digital Collections
Here is this week’s roundup of articles, objects, CFPs and conference listings.
This incredible album of photographs of the home and ceramics collection of the Reverend Edward McClure, now housed at the Winterthur Museum, Library and Garden. For more see the Winterthur’s blog post on the book.
The programme for the University of Edinburgh’s forthcoming Artisans and craft production in 19th century Scotland conference.
This lovely review of the Victorian house, 18 Stafford Terrace.
This ongoing CFP for submissions to the Journal of Homosexuality.
The conference for the AHRC-funded Antique Dealer Project (Leeds, 14-15 Apr 16)
The CFP for the Reading Art – Pre-Raphaelite Painting and Poetry conference. (Birmingham, 27-28 May 16)
The CFP for the Collections in the Habsburg Court conference (Madrid, 27-28 May 16).
The CFP for the Decor and Architecture in the 17th and 18th Centuries conference (Lausanne, 24-25 Nov 16).
This important list of Books on Black Women for #womenshistorymonth.
The CFP for Visualizing Consumer Culture, Commodifying Visual Culture in the English-speaking World.
The Scott Opler Fellowship in Architectural History of the Renaissance and Baroque period.
These Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships with the National Museum of Scotland.