It’s been a while since I’ve done a Week in Review post, which is a shame as I find them a useful resource to look back on, particularly for noting historiographical trends. Today, I’m getting back in the habit with a quick post on the last week.

First up, the Public Domain Review featured this completely amazing Autograph Quilt, made by Adeline Harris Sears, c.1856–1863. This beautiful quilt, begun around 1856, features numerous autographs of people of note in nineteenth-century America, stitched together with a diverse selection of fabric scraps. During my Short-Term Research Fellowship at the Winterthur Museum and Library in August of last year, I spent some time examining their fascinating collection of autograph quilts, working on a case study for my project Collage before Modernism, so I was really excited to see this incredible specimen! For more photos and discussion, see the Public Domain Review site.
So many fascinating books caught my attention this week, including: Making Milk: The Past, Present and Future of Our Primary Food; New Perspectives on the History of Facial Hair: Framing the Face; Griselda Pollock’s hugely anticipated Charlotte Salomon and the Theatre of Memory; Exhibiting War: The Great War, Museums, and Memory in Britain, Canada, and Australia; and Forms of Empire: The Poetics of Victorian Sovereignty, which are now all firmly on my ‘to-read’ list. I was also hugely excited to learn about Robin Mitchell’s forthcoming book VÉNUS NOIRE: Black Women, Colonial Fantasies, and the Production of Gender & Race in France, 1804-1848, but it has yet to be released!
Finally, the following CFPs and conferences also peaked my interest:
CONF: Interior – inferior – in theory? (Berlin, 17-18 May 18)
CFP: Sexuality and Consumption – 18th Century to 21st Century; Vienna, Nov. 23/24