I’m thrilled to be joining the Association For Art History Doctoral and Early Career Researcher Network Project Board as an Early Career Representative.
The Doctoral & Early Career Research (DECR) network provides a support system and platform for current doctoral researchers and those within 5 years of receiving their doctorate. The network is coordinated by a Project Board which oversees and organises the Association for Art History’s doctoral and early career research events and initiatives.
The Project Board is made of 12-15 people at different stages in their research career who are based across the UK. The board meets 4 times a year and organises the annual two day Summer Symposium, one day New Voices conference, Careers Day for art history and has responsibility for shortlisting the undergraduate and postgraduate Dissertation Prizes.
If you have any ideas for how the Association could better support doctoral and early career scholars, please get in touch with me via email or twitter.