Eighteenth-Century Research Seminars 2017 Programme University of Edinburgh
All seminars will be held at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh, from 4:30-6pm.
Wednesday 25th January
Ben Rogers, University of Edinburgh ‘‘An Unexpected Solution or a Political Imposition?’: Scottish Episcopalian Toleration, 1702-1712’
Carys Brown, University of Cambridge ‘‘A dissembling Harlot for a leacherous wolf’: sexual reputation and religious coexistence in England, c.1689-1750′
Wednesday 8th February
Nicola Martin, University of Stirling ‘Improvement, Stadial Theory, and the Pacification of the Highlands in the mid-Eighteenth Century’
Thomas Archambaud, Independent ‘‘The Highland Bard and the Prime Minister: James Macpherson, Lord Bute and the politics of Scottish patronage in the age of Enlightenment”’
Wednesday 22nd February
Sydney Ayres, University of Edinburgh ‘Representing Robert Adam: Biography, Portraiture & Memory’
Nel Whiting, University of Dundee ‘‘if they hang not in proper Places, they will not have a good Effect’: Portraiture, Place and Position’
Wednesday 1st March
Elizabeth Ford, University of Glasgow ‘“I can think of nothing but that flute”: General John Reid (1721-1807)’
Alice Little, University of Oxford ‘Categorising ‘national music’ in eighteenth-century Oxford’
Wednesday 15th March
William Swain, University of Edinburgh ‘Adam Ferguson, Freidrich von Gentz, and the decline of the Martial Spirit’
John Stone (Universitat de Barcelona) ‘The Cultural Work of the Royal Scots College (Valladolid), 1770-1808: Cosmopolitanism, Diaspora, the ‘National Feeling’ and Library Formation’
Wednesday 22nd March
Catherine Ellis, Durham University ‘How to understand the sex worker at the table: gastrocritical approaches to eighteenth-century French prostitution’
Jessica Hamel-Akré, University of Montreal ‘“Oh, when shall I be holy?”: Reading and Writing Women’s Eighteenth-Century Self-Starvation’
Wednesday 12th April
Hannah Lund, University of Edinburgh ‘Enthroned: The Sitter’s Chair of Sir Joshua Reynolds 1760-1879’
Suchitra Choudhury, University of Glasgow ‘Fashion and Textiles: A Postcolonial Reading of Sir Walter Scott’
Wednesday 26th April
Charlotte Bassett, University of Edinburgh ‘Lady Margaret Hamilton: Patroness of Hopetoun’
Amy Boyington, University of Cambridge ‘Elite wives and architecture in eighteenth-century Britain’