I’m excited to share the CFP for the Collage Research Network’s second event, ‘Disrupting Narratives: New Perspectives on Collage’, an PG/ECR workshop on collage, to be held at Edinburgh College of Art, 27 July 2019. You can find the full CFP below:
Disrupting Narratives: New Perspectives on Collage
The idea of disrupting narratives is one borrowed from Brett van Hoesen’s appraisal of Hannah Höch’s photomontages. Van Hoesen writes about the creation of what she calls ‘visual policies’, with particular reference to colonial imagery in the works of Höch and Lázló Moholy-Nagy. She explains that these visual policies were created by the growing popularity of photography and how this influenced the idea of what was newsworthy. As such collage, photomontage and assemblage have played a key role in disrupting narratives, particularly in the twentieth century.
This symposium will build upon this concept and invites papers which examine scholarly and aesthetic disruptions. We are interested in studies which analyse visual policies created by technological advances, those made out of the parameters of modernism, and those which propose new methodologies for thinking through collage across disciplines.
In this one-day symposium we invite postgraduate and early career colleagues working on collage to propose 30-minute papers which will then be workshopped with an intimate audience. The event will coincide with the opening of the exhibition Cut and Paste: 400 Years of Collage at the Scottish National Galleries of Modern Art, curated by Dr Patrick Elliot (29 June-27 October 2019).
We are particularly interested in topics which cover
collage before modernism (pre-1900)
collage in the digital age
collage and technological innovations
collage as a political tool, act or idea
collage and otherness
collage and the collector
collage beyond two-dimensional space
We encourage those without institutional support or affiliation to apply. It is our hope to be able to offer a limited number of bursaries to cover travel costs.
Please submit an abstract (300 words max.) and a short bio (100 words max.) to collageresearchnetwork@gmail.com in a single Word document, with the subject line ‘CRN Early Career Workshop’ by 30 May 2019.