This article examining the material culture of abandoned psychiatric institutions: ‘Abandoned Suitcases Reveal Private Lives of Insane Asylum Patients‘.
This oral history project: ‘A Hackney Autobiography‘.
This blog post on first-world-war period sexuality by Lesley Hulonce: ‘A ‘Hotbed of Immorality’? World War One and Sexual Panic‘
New details for the Association of Art Historians’ textbook, Thinking About Art History.
This CFP on ‘Colonial Entanglements in the Production of Knowledge‘.
This event at the Black Cultural Archives: ‘Past Reflections: African History in England‘.
This series of podcasts examining Women, Gender, and Sex in the Ottoman World.
This CFP for Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies on ‘Life Writing as Empathy‘
New book on ‘Concepts of Value in European Material Culture, 1500–1900‘
Ushashi Dasgupta’s article on ‘voices from below’ in literary Victorian studies.
Storying the Past, a virtual reading group project ‘devoted to creative and innovative approaches to writing history’.
This exciting book – New Paths to Public Histories.