London’s Outrage punk fanzine
My object of the week comes from Jon Savage’s article ‘Fanzines: the purest explosion of British punk‘, which showcases objects that will be on display in the British Library show, Punk 1976-1978. Savage’s descriptions of ‘handwritten articles, stark montages and jagged juxtapositions of image and text’ are highly suggestive of the relationship between the production of assemblage and individuals’ creative responses to contemporary musical, artistic, and literary culture – as appropriate to the construction of punk fanzines as they were to Ellen Warter’s documentation of the Brontes in the late nineteenth century.
Other CFPs, podcasts, conferences and articles that caught my attention this week included:
The CFP for Household Gods: Religious Domesticity in Britain, 1700 to the present day
The CFP for Colonial Formations: Connections and Collisions
The wonderful Women in Book History Bibliography
The call for contributions for the book MATERIAL PRACTICES of ART AND DESIGN
The CFP for Politics and Poetics of Friendship
The CFP for Object Lessons and Nature Tables: Research Collaborations Between Historians of Science and University Museum
The schedule for the Queer Asia 2016 Conference
Alison MacCormaic’s article ‘Carved in time: the craftwork legacy of the hunger strikes‘
The latest episode of the Hidden Histories podcast on ‘Unsex’d females’.
The CFP for the conference Place as Archive in 20th and 21st Century Literatures
This conference on Biographies & the Production of Space (Stuttgart, 19-21 May 16)