My object of the week is this newly-acquired patchwork made c. 1804 by Birmingham writer Catherine Hutton, now in the collections of Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Hutton also compiled a number of scrapbooks that I’ll be returning to as part of my assemblage project, and I’ll be keen to view the quilt when I do so.
Other CFPs, conferences, events and articles that caught my eye this week included:
The new Women and Gender in the Early Modern World Series from the University of Nebraska Press.
The Plagues, Witches, and War: The Worlds of Historical Fiction MOOC.
The programme for the Gendering Museum Histories conference.
The OA special issue of the Journal of Design History on Histories of Design Pedagogy.
The CFP for the The Architect as Active Reader conference.
The Objects of Research: The Material Turn in Nineteenth-Century Literary Studies event.
The CFP for the AAH session Modern Lives – Modern Legends. Artist anecdotes since the 18th century.
The Art History for Artists conference.
The CFP for the Collecting & Display research seminar series.
The CFP for the The Royal Palace in the Europe of Revolutions conference.
The CFP for the Reframing Family Photography conference.