CONF: Representing the Hapsburg-Lorraine Dynasty, c. 1618-1918 (8-10 June, 2015) https://enfilade18thc.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/einladung_habsburg-lothringische-dynastie.pdf (via Enfilade)
CFP: The Role of Sculpture in Parisian Decorative Arts (Mon, 29 Aug 15) http://arthist.net/archive/10189
CONF: Agency of Things (10th to 12th of June), National Museum of Warsaw http://www.agencyofthings.uw.edu.pl/conference_programme.html
Article: Mark Carrigan, How to live tweet effectively at academic conferences
Journal: Brian Michael Norton, ‘The Spectator and Everyday Aesthetics,’ Lumen: Selected Proceedings from the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies / Lumen : travaux choisis de la Société canadienne d’étude du dix-huitième siècle, vol. 34, 2015, p. 123-136. https://www.academia.edu/8012362/The_Spectator_and_Everyday_Aesthetics
CONF: Stained Glass PhD Summer Symposium (York, 21-22 May 15) http://arthist.net/archive/10182
CFP: The Far East: Collectors and Collections today (Lyon, 24-25 Mar 2016) http://arthist.net/archive/10210