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Conference: Travel and the Country House – Places, Cultures and Practices


I will be presenting a paper entitled ‘Domestic tourism, the country house, and the making of respectability in the travel journals of Caroline Lybbe Powys’ at the upcoming University of Northampton conference, Travel and the Country House: Places, Cultures, and Practices, 15-16 September 2014. I have attached the CFP for reference.

Travel and the Country House: Places, Cultures, and Practices

University of Northampton, 15–16 September 2014

Proposals due by 19 May 2014

Keynote speakers include Roey Sweet (University of Leicester) and Margot Finn (UCL).

Travel has long played a vital role in shaping the country house, opening up horizons and exposing both house and owner to a variety of external influences. Travel impacted upon values, tastes, material culture and money, and helped to articulate the flow of ideas, information, goods and capital. The importance of the Grand Tour and Empire to the country house has long been recognised, but domestic tourism and travel for more mundane purposes—to visit family or friends, engage in political life or go to town—were also significant. In this conference, we wish to explore a wide range of travel experiences and consider how these impacted on the country house. How were travel choices made and how were impacts articulated? How did new influences mesh with existing tastes and goods? What impact did its status as a place to visit have upon the country house? And how do we communicate the importance of travel to those visiting country houses today?

We invite papers on all aspects of travel and the country house, but would especially welcome those which focus on: • Geographies of travel: the Grand Tour, colonies and empire, and domestic and everyday travel • The view from abroad: foreign visitors to British country houses • Royal progresses and prodigy houses • Travelling for business and pleasure: court and parliament; tours and spas • Travel and material culture: how different places were brought into the country house through objects • Travel and taste: the impact of travel on architecture, collecting, design and • Visiting the country house: receiving guests and staying with friends or family • The practicalities of travel: stables, coaches and horses; trains, ships and boats; servants and guides; accommodation, meals and sleeping • Travel and publishing: journals, guidebooks and maps • Travel as a theme in country house interpretation/presentation today


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